Monday, October 22, 2007

Iron Myth #1

Do triceps pull-down, triceps extention, and whatever workout that works the triceps and you'll loose the fat on your underarm. Do crunches, leg raises, and whatever exercise that works the abs and you'll loose the fat around your waist.

Bullshit. May I say that again. FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!

Ehhemm... pardon me for that. Allow me to share some facts to you all who bother to know. We all know that fat sits under our skin in the whole body. What most people don't know is, you CANNOT train a specific part to burn away fat from a specific part of your body.

You can be doing a million sit-ups for a decade and still have a "sexy" tummy hanging over your belt. So if you do have a goal to loose fat, do workouts that burns calories (swim, run, dance, etc).

And please, f***ing watch your diet. Running 30 minutes on a threadmill burns approximately 300 calories. A burger plus a can of coke adds up to over 700 calories. Do your own maths.

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